Friday, December 28, 2007

Loss Experienced, Over a Happy Holiday

To realize this season, these last few months have been times of sadness, over thanksgiving a kitty dies, neck broken because got stuck in the gate, attempted to save yet it was to late. I did all I could at least I can say, as I had a number of a neighbor of mine who herself had 7 cats. So fortunate was that turn of events that she was even home, to at least confirm the sad fact that such a kitty lost, left before his first Christmas. Buried near a week later, in sadness and grief, yet I guess it worked out for the best, as we now have another beautiful kitty, a tortoise shell, very bright animal who will enjoy her first holiday season with us. So in grief I remember Fluffy G, in gladness I hold Mona in my arms and pet her soft fir as the lights have gone up and the holiday has arrived and she is still with us.

Recently my Grandfather, whom I had visited nearly two seasons back, right around the holidays no less, was around Christmas last I visited him, he seemed in good health at the time but apparently, much can happen in only a couple of years. He was a jolly fellow, a recovered alcoholic getting his life back together. The only situation about this particular experience is simply, the alcohol had already done the damage for all the time previous to his recovery. Though he seemed healthy, internally, the awareness remained and he was still suffering. I must give him the fact he was making the most of each day. He had passed just this 12th of December, just over a week before Christmas, and now only a memory can be said. And good times had. May Grandpa Bill Rest In Peace over this holiday season and the many more to come. Another book written the final chapter closed, my grandmother in law passed this morning just about 10a, lived a full life she did, to the tune of 89 years. Remarkable, truly she had many the experience in so many years. May she rest in peace as with the others lost this holiday season.

It seems in so many years, I have not had this experience before. My Grandmother in the hospital as well as my Grandfather, each up in there years after living their existence, got me thinking of the possibility that is clearly there. Of death and loss, so near, got me thinking of where I should go and what I should do in preparation for the inevitable. For this holiday season, as it may be the last I see of my Grandparents, I want to make sure, that I enjoy these moments now and not wait so long that the chance is never presented to say goodbye.The same I can offer to those who have dealt with loss in times of happiness, do all you can to be there for there last days. Six Months, One Year, Hard to say the exact time period so take care of things now not later. My father has often said to me, though stubborn I can be, Later Is Now you see.

Thank You for Reading ... Life is Full Of Challenges, grow from them, appreciate what you have now for it may not be there next year. The Happiest of Holidays I wish you, and an eventful New Year.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cycling for Health

You want long life right? You would rather exist for many years. So as such does it not make sense to take the time for a simple exercise such as bicycling? Offering up a wonderful workout and viewing things differently. Certainly the initial start up is rather steep dependent on what you are looking for. Once the bike is purchased the long term benefits becomes clear. A low impact exercise, the wind in your face and the views to see. To ride is to exist, and why not exist a long time?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The recovery of a goiter or at least the hope

I have written much on this situation, hyper thyroidism and the associated goiter. And still it is interesting in its own way. The point of this blog is to share the knowledge with all who have already dealt with it or may deal with it, so I am looking for any insight you may have in that matter.

Thanks for the feedback.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Curve Balls of Life

The Curve Balls of Life

Written By: Raymond Marr

Tonight was a night never in sight as curves were thrown and the bat was swung, to many location they did fly each going its own way. How I react is up to me from what I see and thank thee for the challenge I face in an ever moving race from place to place along this journey, my journey to success ever the curve thrown my way the crack of the bat all the way I must go to say I knew I could and now its done and help others to do the same in their journey to fame of a humble sort, of an earned freedom to say you to can go all the way, Just take the steps & do the work, go above and beyond where you have ever been to get those curves beyond the gate and take the challenge to turn about to be the victory without a doubt and fight the fight or go without. Be the winner to never again be broke.

About Me:

This would be the third page I ever had the opportunity to put together. I hope you enjoy it. I would appreciate any feedback you may have on the poem. And any insight on improvements will be considered. I am an avid biker, very much the outdoor person at least most of the time. When the rain is falling I'll still ride but on a dreary day I'd rather read or meditate.

Well it is an interesting story for sure as I continue in life and living. Full of intriguing circumstance.You can also take a look at my additional writings.

More Information Can Be Found:
My Domain

So therein the storie goes I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Life is full of Challenges

And the story goes on and on. When you care so much for someone it makes sense to do all you can for them, but how far do you go? If someone is dealing with a medical condition such as a goiter what are some of the solutions I often wonder and so I took the time to research such a condition. At least to the best of my ability and the wonders of google searches. And so after learning about someone who I care deeply for was suffering from a goiter I really started to take the time to find out all I can about it through multiple resources such as endocrine web as well as Med Line Plus along with American Thyroid Association. I was not the only one who was researching that information she was also searching for the solutions and found green-life herbals which had a product by the name of "Thyroid Throu", the other options well there is surgery or taking medication to the day you die to replace the lost hormones.

I ask you as I asked myself how much is health truly worth. If you care about someone would that then mean it should be without a limit? For a person I care so deeply about I do feel that is the case.

Thanks for reading, take a look at my other blog for further information and the progress in this matter.

My Other writings