Thursday, February 14, 2008

Existence Revised

In Relation To Existence as written: To Write is to exist

So much was planned for this day, lofty goals under ideal circumstances. To reach for the stars and grasp the moment. To write, in this life or the next, beginning today is better then starting tomorrow. To start to write expecting to finish, things change sometimes. As I begin the process of writing the plan was the same, follow through being the key to the lock of progress.

Though in all honesty nothing is ever that cut and dry or that simple. Proven on this day for as I begun searching for the topic, for the story to write in this moment, one particular item caught my interest, a short story, on vacation, the first thing coming to my mind was a trip taken back in January of 1999 for a wedding, a train trip, cross the country. The experience what a story it would make, a short story though. Well, it seemed to be a more appropriate novel consisting of in depth detail building on a character only as a persona in my mind. Such was the case a story based on experience, a character a thought in my mind.

Understand I was the only one from my immediate family who could make it to this wondrous event, the marriage of a sister barely a year older then myself. The prospect exciting, as well as intriguing. Was to be my first time to travel by train Cross Country, in the Winter of 1999. You know the supposed end of the world and all that.

I could bring in the new year in Florida at least that was the plan. Sorry to say it did not happen, but the experience did, perhaps in this coming year when 2009 comes about I will have the opportunity to enjoy a New Year in a different state then California. No offense to California I have lived here most of my life, born and dare say raised, in this great state of ours. To enjoy such a momentous occasion in a another place and time seems to be a wonderful goal to strive for.

To realize the fact that it seemed to be the right time, the near perfect moment. I had worked hard and had earned enough for such a undertaking from jobs I was working. I must admit the fact that really it was not that much money, though it was cash not credit, and it was worth just being able to attend both the bachelor party and the wedding and the events thereafter.

It worked out quite well though, one story, one creative event, simply put it was Quality over Quantity, a simple principle, sometimes the most difficult as it were to choose quantity over quality. The story was started but not finished this day. A great story is rarely wrote in one day. A masterpiece, should I be so bold to coin the term, takes much time and moments of inspiration put together over time. Besides for myself at least I tend to get frustrated for lack of activity even when writing. The initial plan you see had been to also ride my bike for the breaks between sessions in writing, with the rain falling upon the beaten ground it was decided that it would be better not to ride at least on this day. Understand that for me I work towards balance of work and play, a Libra that I be perhaps that is appropriate, seeks such balance in their life.

Certainly it is true I enjoy writing as I share my views on a daily basis, often the best writing done when you take the moments away to inspire. The time away allowing free movement of the thoughts and ideas as they relate to life and living, to the story at hand.

Simple as it may seem, it is not easy to write a story. It will stretch the mind, a hand may cramp, it is up to you and I to overcome those moments, to use them as fuel in your ongoing masterpiece that is life.

Write another chapter, finish one more sentence, complete just one more page, overcome the challenges faced in the race from place to place. Life's journey explored, experienced and made the best of, hit those curves beyond the gate, know the choice is yours alone not fate. It is up to you to make the best of your life, in the short time we exist in Father Times' great playground. Make the best of it, life lived to the fullest is truly life lived. Take the reigns and ride to enjoy the wonders of life's great excursion.

Thanks for reading ... and as always Forward Focus for life lived to its fullest.

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